Charity begins at Home
RW Bro. Prof. Guy Charlesworth, District Grand Master
The 300th Anniversary of Grand Lodge is fast approaching. Plans to celebrate this unique occasion in Freemasonry in 2017 are being set-up by all Provinces and Districts throughout the Constitution worldwide.
Within our District, the planning committee for the Tercentenary celebrations chaired by W Bro. Graeme MacKenzie is making excellent progress. They will be announcing our District’s plans in due course. Every Lodge, however, is encouraged to plan their own celebrations for 2017. Let W Bro. MacKenzie know what events you have planned in good time, so we can share in your celebrations.
At the District Annual Meeting held in October, I had the great pleasure of announcing the establishment of the Tercentenary District Samaritan Fund, which will run from February 2016 through to October 2017.
The aim is to raise a minimum amount of R1 Million by individual donations from our Members at a minimum of R1500 per Member. This donation will be marked by a breast jewel of a design to be approved by Grand Lodge. Double and Tertiary quotas will be recognised by adding a distinguishing bar to the ribbon of the jewel.
Importantly, this new Tercentenary District Samaritan Fund will be raised by Masons for Masons, their wives or partners and their families. It will allow the existing Samaritan Fund to be expanded to also include applications for grants-in-aid to a family where the wage-earner has been made redundant, to give support for hearing aids, dentistry and optician’s work and other minor medical procedures and to assist with funeral costs where necessary.
This Samaritan Fund will address a gap between those grants available from the Transvaal Inter- constitutional Masonic Charity (TIMC) on the one hand and assistance from the Grand Lodge Samaritan Fund in London, on the other hand. Our regular subscriptions to the TIMC from the District allow applications to be made to the TIMC for grants-in-aid for widows and pensioners and educational grants, where there is a demonstrable financial need. Applications can also be made through the Grand Lodge portal of “Freemasonry Cares” to the Grand Lodge Samaritan Fund for assistance to cover major medical operations, again where there is a demonstrable medical and financial need.
Within our District, 2015 has been called “The Year of The Almoner” and the Almoners’ Programme forms one of my strategic initiatives in the District.
The Almoner is one of the most important officers in the Lodge. A good Almoner can play a fundamental and important role in the Care and Welfare of the Brethren and their families.
It is absolutely essential that the Almoner is aware of his duties and performs them well. I have recently sent a memo to all Lodges to encourage Masters Elect to revert to the wording of the investiture of the Almoner as previously practised in our District. The DC team will be in contact with Masters Elect. The address is reproduced here as it clearly summa- rises the duties of the Almoner:
“Bro…………I appoint you Almoner of the Lodge and I now invest you with the jewel of your office which is a scrip-purse upon which is a heart.
The high importance of the office is seldom realised as it is not clearly defined in our rituals.
You must at all times be the link between the Lodge and sick Brethren and wherever there is a need for the relief of distress, you will endeavour to see that every deserving case is brought before the Lodge for sympathetic consideration.
A good Almoner is one who notices who is not in Lodge, finds out why and reports to the Worshipful Master.
It calls for the sacrifice of your time and the satisfaction that you will derive from knowing that no sick or absent Brother has been neglected or that no Brother’s widow has been forgotten will more than compensate for the zeal and effort which I know you will apply to your duties.
I also present to you the Almoner’s Manual which has been prepared by District to assist you with your duties.”
Our Members of the Board of Benevolence have successfully given PowerPoint presentations on the duties of the Almoner to most of the Lodges in the District. New Almoners’ Manuals have been prepared and distributed, together with information in an electronic format.
Importantly, the Board has also amassed a great deal of information in the Manual on those Service Providers offering discounted costs on dentistry, spectacles, hearing aids and undertakers etc., for pensioners and for those in need.
Grateful thanks are extended for the superb work carried out by W Bro. Brian Kretzschmar, President of the Board of Benevolence and the Members of the Board of Benevolence; W Bros Chris Adams, David Baker, Howard Freeman, Dirk Norton, Dr Ron Poole, Bryan Price, Guss Southgate and Jeff Spiller.
As this year draws to a close, let us all be aware of the important work that a good Almoner can do for the members of our Lodges and their families. The establishment of a new Samaritan Fund will certainly allow us to address the needs in our Masonic community.
Richard was born in Johannesburg on 4 July 1959 and his Masonic heritage dates back to the late 19th century.
His great great-Grandfather was a Past Master of Natalia Lodge No. 1665EC (which still exists and continues to meet in Pietermaritzburg), while his Grandfather was a Past Master of Woodlands Lodge No. 3668EC.
Richard was introduced to the Masonic fraternity by friend and sailing col- league, W Bro. David Kitchen and after attending numerous functions, was approved and initiated into Kosmos Lodge No. 2768EC in April 1989.
His Masonic achievements include:
- Past Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies of the United Grand Lodge of England
- District Senior Grand Warden of the District of South Africa, North
- Past Master Kosmos Lodge
- Past Master Corona Lodge
- Past Master Woodlands Lodge
- Past Master Transvaal District Grand Stewards’ Lodge
- Past District Grand Sojourner of the District Grand Chapter of South Africa, North
- Past First Principal of Kosmos Chapter
Richard has two sons, Alexander and Nicholas, who are studying at the Universities of Johannesburg and Stellenbosch respectively.
Richard was initiated into Boksburg Lodge No.2480 on 15 July 1987. The ceremony was conducted by the Worship Master of Acacia Lodge as part of an exchange working.
He served as Master of Boksburg Lodge in 1996, 2008 and 2012. He was elected as Treasurer 1998, a position he continues to hold.
Richard’s District achievements include being appointed to Past Dist. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2001, District Junior Grand Deacon in 2007, District Grand Sword Bearer in 2012 and District Junior Grand Warden in 2015.
Richard is also very active in the Holy Royal Arch. He joined the Boksburg Royal Arch Chapter in 1988 and served as First Principal in 1999, 2002, 2003 and 2009
Whilst Richard served as First Principal in the Chapter’s Centenary year, the ceremony was postponed until a future date. He was appoint- ed Treasurer in 2012, a position he still holds.
He was appointed District Grand Standard Bearer in 2003, District 2nd Assistant Grand Sojourner in 2008 and District Grand Sword Bearer in 2012.
In 1997 he joined the Calvary Rose Croix Chapter was MWS for two years, 2004 and 2005 and attained his 30th Degree in 2006.
Richard is the CEO of a manufacturing company, which he established in 1994. He lives with his wife Karen and has two children; a daughter who lives in England and a son who resides in South Africa.
His hobbies are tinkering with a veteran Cadillac, making amateur movies and actively participating as a member of the Conservancy in Ramsgate, KZN.
Richard was initiated into Boksburg Lodge No.2480 on 15 July 1987. The ceremony was conducted by the Worship Master of Acacia Lodge as part of an exchange working.
He served as Master of Boksburg Lodge in 1996, 2008 and 2012. He was elected as Treasurer 1998, a position he continues to hold.
Richard’s District achievements include being appointed to Past Dist. Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2001, District Junior Grand Deacon in 2007, District Grand Sword Bearer in 2012 and District Junior Grand Warden in 2015.
Richard is also very active in the Holy Royal Arch. He joined the Boksburg Royal Arch Chapter in 1988 and served as First Principal in 1999, 2002, 2003 and 2009.
Whilst Richard served as First Principal in the Chapter’s Centenary year, the ceremony was postponed until a future date. He was appointed Treasurer in 2012, a position he still holds.
He was appointed District Grand Standard Bearer in 2003, District 2nd Assistant Grand Sojourner in 2008 and District Grand Sword Bearer in 2012.
In 1997 he joined the Calvary Rose Croix Chapter was MWS for two years, 2004 and 2005 and attained his 30th Degree in 2006.
Richard is the CEO of a manufacturing company, which he established in 1994. He lives with his wife Karen and has two children; a daughter who lives in England and a son who resides in South Africa.
His hobbies are tinkering with a veteran Cadillac, making amateur movies and actively participating as a member of the Conservancy in Ramsgate, KZN.
Simon was initiated into St Michaels Lodge no. 8643 in August 1997 when it was still meeting in the Anglican Church in Bryanston.
Mentored by W Bro. Paul Stocken, he went through the Chair in 2005-2006.
As a result of the close association with Boksburg St John, he became a joining member of that Lodge in 2006 and took the Chair of King Solomon in 2008 and 2009.
Following on from this, Simon received his first active District appointment as District
Grand Steward in 2009. He continued his active duty as an ADC in 2010 and Deputy DC from 2011 to 2014.
In between his District commitments, Simon is also PZ of Denver RA Chapter, a PM of Corona Mark Lodge and Past Commander of the Cinderella Royal Ark Mariner.
Not content with three Craft chairs behind him, he was Worshipful Master of St Michaels again in 2014 and is currently the WM of Pyramid Lodge no. 5003 in Naboomspruit.
In his own words, “Masonry has done some great things in my personal development and my relationship with others.
Richard was initiated into Transvaal Lodge No. 1747 in November 2001. He obtained the chair of King Solomon for the first time in 2007/8, again in 2009/10 and most recently in 2013/14. He is also currently an active member of Maritime Lodge.
In the Royal Arch, Richard was exalted into St. Michael’s Chapter No. 8643 in 2007. He served as First Principal in Norwood Royal Arch Chapter in 2011/12 and St. Michael’s in 2012/13. He is also a founder member of The First Principals Chapter.
Richard received his first active District Rank as District Grand Steward in 2011 and was promoted to District Assistant Grand Director of Ceremonies in 2012. A post he held for two years. An active rank in the Royal Arch, as District Grand Steward, followed in 2014.
He is also a member of The Secret Monitor, where he was Inducted into Arcadia Conclave No.145 in 2010 and held the Office of Supreme Ruler in 2014/15. He currently holds active rank as the Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremonies.
Richard joined the Rose Croix in 2007 and attained his 30th Degree in 2014, after having been Most Wise Sovereign of Pretoria Chapter No. 125 in 2013/14.
Barry’s exposure to Freemasonry started at a very young age when he used to attend the children’s Christmas parties held by the Acacia Lodge each year. His Grandfather and Uncle were both members of the Acacia Lodge and Chapter. After the death of his Grandfather, his uncle, W Bro. Hubert Wright, continued to encourage Barry to pursue Masonry.
Barry was initiated in to Acacia Lodge in 1983 and became Master in 1990 and again in 2003. Barry’s installation as Master was particularly sentimental as it was exactly 50 years after his Grandfather was installed in the chair.
He was exalted into the Acacia Royal Arch Chapter in 1986 and became the MEZ in 1995 and again in 2012. His investiture was again 50 years after his Grandfather was received the same honour (albeit in the Boksburg Chapter).
Barry later joined the Boksburg Chapter and was invested as the MEZ in 2012.
Barry was perfected into the Rose Croix in 1992 and was enthroned as the MWS in 1998. A position he held for 2 years. In June this year, he was promoted to the 31°.
He joined the Knights Templar in 1996 and was installed as the Eminent Preceptor in 2000. Again, exactly 50 years after his Grandfather and in the same Preceptory (Keystone). He received Great Priory honours in 2009.
The Royal Arch has always been Barry’s passion and after serving three years as the Deputy District Grand Director of Ceremonies in the past, he views being promoted to the office of District Grand Scribe Nehemiah as a huge honour and an opportunity to re-kindle the friendships he has made during his Masonic journey.
Barry is the National Vice President, as well as the President of the East Rand Chapter of the Windows Sons. An Association started in 2010 for Brethren who wanted to ride motorcycles together.
Barry’s wife, Colleen and children, Adell and Rocky have supported him in all his Masonic activities which have inevitably left him with many lifelong friends
Widows Sons was founded in 1999 by a brother in North America who believed there was a need for a ‘Riders Association” made up of Masons with the purpose of looking after Widows of Masons – nothing different to what Masonry teaches us!
With this in mind the first Chapter was started in South Africa in 2010 with the inaugural ride being on the 18th July, 2010 and is simply called Widows Sons South Africa (WSSA). This Chapter is now the governing body, as such, and the original members have remained members and all Presidents and Vice Presidents sit on the committee.
As one can predict, no sooner was the WSSA founded when there was a need to have other Chapters to cover the various geographic areas. With this in mind the following Chapters were founded:
East Rand Chapter – Sons of Hiram
West Rand Chapter – Templars
Western Cape Chapter – Hirams Ashlars
Bloemfontein Chapter – Sons of Solomon
This year the Central Chapter or Knights of the Craft were founded and already has over 20 members. The KZN Chapter / East Coast “Tylers Swords” was also handed their charter this year and we are all meeting in Harrismith on Sunday 22 November for our year-end meet and greet. We are currently looking at opening a chapter in the Eastern Cape. The current membership is approx.120.
The brethren ride with colours / patches and abide by club rules as per the by-laws of each club. It is important to note that we are not a MC, but rather a Riders Association. We are governed by the BOC and require every Mason and therefore Widows Son (WS) to abide by the laws of South Africa.
The different clubs have planned official rides and attend what is called in the biker community “Day Jols” where the brethren and their “pillions” attend other bikers’ functions and support them with their various charities.
One always imagines bikers as rough and tough and a bunch of hooligans! From my involvement in the WS, I have only seen what Freemasonry has taught us; brotherly love, relief and truth. WS are engaged in supporting a number of charities and have donated funds to a Masonic Home (Roslyn Park) and attended PAWS for People, with various donations. One of the more heartwarming moments was when the brethren attended a children’s home (East Rand Children’s Haven) and arrived with presents – the function aptly named “Christmas in July”
Next year the WS are having their Grand gathering in KZN where a number of Brethren from the USA will attend and assist with the Branding Ceremony – a first in SA and a column for the next Cornerstone.
In conclusion, if you have a bike (400CC and over) and are interested, please look us up on or call us on 083 600 0006. Come and meet the brethren, even ride with us socially. We do encourage the partners to join and they have their own Lady Member patch.
The next time you see a biker in those leathers, consider he could be your doctor, lawyer, mechanic, financial advisor or just a brother, riding for a cause – a good cause.
The Royal Arch is the completion of Pure and Antient Masonry, but exaltation into the Order should be neither hurried or obligatory. Whilst not all Craft brethren will wish to take this final step immediately after being raised, it is hoped that the enjoyment and essence of the order be communicated to all Brethren.
We need to raise the profile of the Order and show it to be appealing, inspiring and relevant.
In order to achieve this, a strategic working party was set up in March 2012 by Grand Chapter. They made the following recommendations, many of which we now use as guidelines:
- The strap line “initiation to exaltation” should be adopted to promote the Order, which is the basis of pure and ancient freemasonry and the completion of the third degree. This is extremely important and should be clearly understood as the correct path to follow in the ma- sonic
- Mentoring should align with that of the Craft. Here it was suggested that a Master Mason’s Mentor should work with a Royal Arch Representative to actively guide the brother towards membership of the Royal Arch, where appropriate. Furthermore, that once exalted, the new companion is mentored toward a better understanding of both the ceremony and the
- The role of the Lodge Royal Arch Representative is fundamental to the promotion of the Order and it is recommended that District Grand Lodge continues to encourage Craft Lodges to make this appointment and to develop that
- In our District, our current practice is to present a letter to the newly raised Master Mason on the merits of the Royal Arch. This practice is highly recommended in order to improve the profile of the Order and help potential exaltees to have a better understanding of the Royal Arch.
- Further ways to promote the Order include; the taking of wine with Royal Arch members at selected Craft festive boards and wearing the official Royal Arch tie at Craft meetings. This has already been approved by the
- It is recommended that Chapters maintain relationships with the Lodges from which they usually derive their
- The introduction of ‘SETTING THE SCENE’ is the perfect opportunity to re-engage with previous members of the Order, who may have not understood the exaltation ceremony, as this puts the three location changes into perspective and adds clarity to the
In conclusion Companions, never regret what you have done in Freemasonry, only what you have not.
MAURITIUS 2015 – W Bro. Lance Epstein
Every year in September, a team of District Officers travels to Mauritius to assist and take part in the various Installations of Lodges under the UGLE and Additional Orders. It is also an opportunity to take our partners for a week of sun, fun and Masonic events.
This year, most folk arrived on Sunday the 4th September at the hotel of their choice, The Sands Resort & Spa in Flic ’n Flac. After a pleasant flight, our hosts and brethren of the Phoenix Lodge arranged for the SA delegation to attend the Master Elect’s function at the Gymkhana Club. This function was at- tended by Masons and their partners and marked the start of the week-long festivities.
This year, we were fortunate enough to have from the Craft, W Bro Chris van Gaalen, Asst DGM as the officiating officer who was accompanied by the District Grand Master, RW Bro Prof Guy Charlesworth. The District Grand Master of the Mark, RW Bro David Gurney and the District Grand Supreme Ruler of the OSM, Rt Worthy Bro Brian McDermott and his Deputy and Assistant were also present. The team also included other distinguished brethren.
The first installation was that of Phoenix Lodge which saw more than 90 brethren in attendance. This was followed by a dinner at the Lodge and presentation of gifts from the new WM to all the brethren.
During leisure time, the week was spent enjoying the delights of the island which for some, Mike Edy in particular, who wore a pair of Surfer / Board shorts with the SA flag design, chose to “lounge” around the pool taking in the view and the entertainment, and even joined in the water aerobics.
Others chose to visit the sights the island had to offer. For some it was their first visit and toured the island from Grand Baie in the North to Flic ’n Flac in the South. Some simply re- laxed at the hotel, while others chose to do some R&R scuba diving!
The installations took place in the evenings followed by a banquet. I say banquet, as this is what these do’s were! Feasts fit for a King!! The hospitality and generosity shown by the brethren of Mauritius is extremely special and their love for Masonry is unbelievable. Their ritual during the ceremonies was well-rehearsed and of a high standard.
We also attended Lodge of Friendship No.1686, Master Elect’s dinner. This was another prestigious event held at a Chinese restaurant with our partners. The evening was absolutely splendid and a good time was had by all.
The end of the week fast approached and the brethren and partners were yet again entertained by our Mauritian brethren. On Friday, we were treated to a trip on a brother’s Catamaran and others were taken on a speedboat to Ile Aux Cerf island (known as the Deer island) where one could take part in a host of activities from simply lounging on the beach to Paragliding for the more sports minded like Lancelot! The day culminated in a braai on the island with a little Mauritian rum! A special thank you to our host.
On Saturday, while the brethren attend- ed the RA and LOF Craft Installations, the ladies gathered at the hotel and ensured their last day together was well spent!
The Installation ended with a gala dinner at Le Pirogue Hotel with over 100 guests. This function was also used as an opportunity to thank the official representatives attending and all the ladies and brethren received generous gifts. Two brethren from Johannesburg walked away with two of the bigger raffle prizes, one being a 2 night all-inclusive stay at Le Pirogue.
Sadly, the Masonic Meetings and festivities came to an end as brethren needed to catch a flight early Sunday morning.
In closing, one could only wish for an extended stay or a return to the island. A visit to Mauritius is special in many ways. The hospitality, friendship, fellowship and sincerity shown by our brethren of the island is greatly appreciated.
– RW Bro. Prof. Guy Charlesworth
For his service to his lodge, to the District and to the Community, Kit Markotter has been present- ed with the District Grand Master’s Certificate of Service.
Kit continues to serve Corona Lodge well, he was initiated in 1989, served as Master in 1998 and has continued to serve as Lodge Almoner for over 14 years.
He has held several active offices in District including, DistGStB, DistSGD and notably, DistG Swd Bearer. You will still see Kit on the circuit, as he volunteers to fill-in as Sword Bearer or Standard Bearer, whenever necessary, which is much appreciated.
Not many of you will be aware, for the past 50 years, Kit Markotter has been involved as a boxer, trainer, manager, official and administrator in boxing. Kit has served for over 33 years as Chairman of the Johannesburg Amateur Boxing Organisation, a position he still holds today.
Since 1975, he has been the manager of 19 regional, provincial and national teams and he is the only person to have been awarded Springbok and Protea colours as manager of a national boxing team.
In recognition of his service to boxing, he has received several merit awards and life membership of at least seven other Boxing Federations and Associations. Notably, in 2000 he was the first recipient of the King Korn Golden Vest Award for his services to amateur boxing.
In 1980, 35 years ago, Kit was instrumental in combining his love of Masonry and his love of Boxing to establish the Corona Gentleman’s Boxing evening or the Corona Box and Dine.
Indeed, this event has been the major contributor to the District Grand Charities for the past 35 years. Long may it continue.
Witwatersrand Lodge Centenary –
Wits Lodge is 100 years old and celebrated their Centenary on Tuesday 15 September 2015 at Park Lane, Johannesburg.
Wits Lodge was consecrated in 1915 as Transvaal Masters Lodge and was changed to Witwatersrand Lodge in 1949. The longest serving member of the Lodge is the current Master,W Bro. Ron Webster. All the previous Past Masters took turns conducting meetings during the year.
73 visitors, including the District Grand Master, the Deputy District Grand Master, three Assistant District Grand Masters and numerous Grand Officers were in attendance at the centenary meeting. Eighteen members of the Lodge were present, out of a possible twenty non-country members. Seventy brethren sat down to a sumptuous dinner, following the meeting.
During the meeting, the Worshipful Master presented the DGM with a cheque for R100 0000, R70 000 for the District Charity and R 30 000 for the District Samaritan Fund.
At the same meeting a new banner was dedicated by W Bro. Dr. Deacon V van Wyk, the District Grand Chaplain, and can be seen in the photograph.